Checkout URL

XendBridge Checkout Portal

Xendbridge provides a checkout portal feature that individuals and businesses can use to quickly integrate into their applications with minimum api calls.

How it works

First, you would need to sign up on the website and get access to the sandbox environment. On your new dashboard, create an app and provide a logo.

Next, provide your app with supported currencies and payment methods of your choosing.

Then, enable access to the checkout portal on your dashboard.

Below are the endpoints that are necessary for implementing


Once a Buy, Sell, or Swap order is initiated successfully, a checkout url is returned and can be used to redirect your customer to complete the order. In order to proceed with the payment two ways have been provided for the customer to be authorized to continue payment.

Email OTP

Once redirected the customer would need to provide an OTP which we'll send to the customer's email when this option is clicked before getting access to the order details.


Order Access Code

This is the code returned in the response as accessToken after a successful order initiation. The third party can decide whether to show the token to its customers or not, to proceed with the order completion when this option is selected.

LP Simulation (Liquidity Provider)

In order to test the integration end-to-end, please make use of the LP simulation endpoints to process payments and complete orders.

LP Simulation


We have two base urls available to third parties, namely sandbox and live urls.

Sandbox Base Url

Live Base Url

Last updated