XendBridge .NET SDK

Xendbridge provides a .NET SDK which can be integrated by downloading from the Nugget Package Manager on Visual Studio or from the website.


The .NET SDK can be integrated by downloading from the Nugget Package Manager on Visual Studio or from the website.


"XendBridgeSDKConfig": {
    "BaseUrl": "https://canary.xendbridge.com",

Secondly, add or bind the config settings to your project by injecting it into your services using the following code snippet;

public static IServiceCollection ConfigureAppSettingsBinding(this IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration Configuration)
  //Your other registered services can be here
  return services;

Lastly, you'd need to register the SDK as a service in the services using the code snippet below;

public static IServiceCollection RegisterServices(this IServiceCollection services)

Method Calls

After adding the setup above, the following functions, objects, and params are provided for the following method calls below.

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