Rate Bounds

Get the best and worst rates

Unlike the Rate endpoint, this GET endpoint is responsible for getting the best and worst rates for a supplied currency pair. This requires your app's publickey in the header while the query params passed will be the payInCurrencyCode , recieveInCurrencyCode & orderAmount.

The returned result will have bestRate and worstRate objects containing different rates. To get a response for a sell or swap order, switch to desired networks and currency inputs on request and make the call. See the example below;

Get the best and worst rates

GET https://checkout-api-sandbox.xendbridge.com/api/ThirdPartyUI/RateBounds

Query Parameters


    "data": {
        "fiatCurrency": "NGN",
        "fiatCurrencyNetwork": "LOCAL",
        "cryptoCurrency": "BUSD",
        "cryptoCurrencyNetwork": "BEP20",
        "bestRate": {
            "exchangeRate": 757.89,
            "maximumAmount": 100000.000000000,
            "minimumAmount": 5.000000000,
            "providerRateReference": "E69A5099089F4231882C5A98B294B50F",
            "rateValidityInSeconds": 20
        "worstRate": {
            "exchangeRate": 763.59,
            "maximumAmount": 100000.000000000,
            "minimumAmount": 5.000000000,
            "providerRateReference": "E69A5099089F4231882C5A98B294B50F",
            "rateValidityInSeconds": 20
    "status": "OK",
    "message": ""

Last updated