Swap Order

An interface called IThirdPartyOrderOperations from the namespace XendBridgeSDK.Services.Interfaces is provided, in which the method InitiateSwapOrderRequest would be called from. An object argument is passed called InitiateOrderRequestModel which would return the response of the initiated swap order method call.

A generic BaseResponse<T> class is returned on all the method calls.

The response returned from initiating the swap order is BaseResponse<PeerToPeerOrderResponseModel> , which the following properties are as follows;

Finally, get your response using the snippet below;

// Populate the model with necessary values
InitiateOrderRequestModel model = new InitiateOrderRequestModel(){};

// Make the call by passing the model
BaseResponse<PeerToPeerOrderResponseModel> response = thirdPartyOrderOperations.InitiateSwapOrder(model);

Please see the function from your IDE or visit here to see the request and response models in detail.

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